- Youtube - Well, everyone use youtube but i mostly use it to watch Taylor Swift vids or another music vids or watch someting like DIYs. But then i found this channel called CutiePieMarzia and watched her "Draw My Life" and her vids with he boyfriend and they were so cute and i realized that there are so many more vids i didn't discover yet.
- Whisper - I got it in my phone lately. It's really cool. Here we can post anything anonymously. You just type your uh... problem and this app will find a good background for you. Like and automatic instagram lol
- DuoLingo - Here you can learn so many foreign language like French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, etec. And not ike a boring class, it's so fun! I'm learning Germany now.
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Monday, January 13, 2014
I Regret I Didn't Use These Application Earlier
Monday, October 21, 2013
Packing Tips!
Here's some thing that will really help you when you travelling :)
- Ziplocs! Your can keep everything here, from toothpaste to shampoo to sunblock, to prevent any of them from damaging my clothes or electronics.
- Supplements and vitamin! You can keep it in your ziplocs! Don't forget some personal medicine.
- Roll your stuffs, don't fold it! It'll take much less space and your clothes are less wrinkle.
- Pack elasticated bracelets as they can double as hairbands in a pinch and can be used to hold small items together.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Grammar Vs.
Kita suka bingung pake kata yang mana dalama bahasa inggris, karena kata-katanya tuh mirip. Jadi di post ini bakal dibahas perbedaan beberapa kata bahasa inggris yang sering bikin kita bingung.
1. In vs. Into
In digunakan untuk memberi tahu posisi.
Into dipake untuk menggambarkan sedang melakukan.
"her book was in her bag" (bukunya ada di tasnya)
"She stuffed her book into her bag" (ia memasukan bukunya ke tasnya)
2. Lay vs. Lie (Untuk Present Tense)
Untuk lay diperlukan objek langsung
Untuk lie tidak diperlukan objek langsung.
"You lay the book on the table" (Kamu meletakan buku di meja, buku objek langsung)
"You lie down on the sofa" (Kamu tiduran di sofa)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Forever 21
It's almost every girl's dream that Forever 21 was their closet. Me too, though. Gosh i love the dresses! But actually i'm a jeans, t-shirt, and flat shoes type, i just love seeing those dresses! (W/N: i don't owe ANY of those pictures)
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Summer, huh?

But it's different here, in Indonesia. We can't just go to the beach or creek or to another island that easy. Things just doesn't work that way you know.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
My Favorite Wattpad Stories (ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED!)
Hey ho! Loooonggg time no post!
Do you guys know Wattpad? It's the biggest ebook source where we can create and publish our own book -teen fiction, poetry, horror, short stories, tips and trick, etc. And really, i just love read here. There's like no day without wattpad HAHA! So, my top 5 stories are:
1. "When It Rains In Ocala" I was absolutely crying -most likely sobbing- when i read some latest chapter. it goes like her boyfriend got shot by her ex and he was dying in the hospital and they were like crying and confessing and shooing and it just makes you want to cry-until-your-eyes-feel-heavy-and-you-just-want-to-sleep-afterwards.
2. "I Sold Myself To The Devil For Vinyls... Pitiful I Know" i believe that everyone recommend this story. This story is just awesome and well-known by wattpaders. It has more than 90 chapters but every single of it was interesting so you just want to read more and you'll be glad that it has sooo many chapter. At first i thought it was such a horror or fantastic fiction but actually 'Devil" here refers to Blake Eaton which is a jerk in the school. And yeah, you know what's next.
4. "The Boy Who Lost His Sight" This story tells about a girl in her new school who met a boy. He is the boy who lost his sight. and i cried reading this novel, but just a tear running down my cheek, not sobbing. It was one of the first wattpad book that i read, and i'm glad, though.
5. "Death's Bride" It tells a story about Death who married a woman -human- and bring the woman to.. uh... somewhere. Like the place between Heaven and Hell. And it is interesting, but the writer update it soooo slowly.
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