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Monday, January 13, 2014

I Regret I Didn't Use These Application Earlier

  1. Youtube - Well, everyone use youtube but i mostly use it to watch Taylor Swift vids or another music vids or watch someting like DIYs. But then i found this channel called CutiePieMarzia and watched her "Draw My Life" and her vids with he boyfriend and they were so cute and i realized that there are so many more vids i didn't discover yet.
  2. Whisper - I got it in my phone lately. It's really cool. Here we can post anything anonymously. You just type your uh... problem and this app will find a good background for you. Like and automatic instagram lol
  3. DuoLingo - Here you can learn so many foreign language like French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, etec. And not ike a boring class, it's so fun! I'm learning Germany now.
However, wattpad still my favorite application until now. What's yours? 

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